Jun 01, 2021 | KeiththeGreat | 853 views
Re-Opening Ontario - What it means for minor soccer
For those wondering about Newton Tigers Minor Soccer this summer... we are waiting to see what is going to be possible.
These are the current guidelines if you'd like to take a look: https://www.ontario.ca/page/reopening-ontario
The way the reopening guidelines are written, we wouldn't be able to start a house league program until July 5th or 6th at best... and that is only if everything goes wonderfully smooth and without hiccups from now until then.
I would love to have a soccer season from July 5th right up until school starts, but things have to stick to the script for that to happen.
I'll put an update here June 17th or so. In the meantime, the PERC soccer field has it's nets up and you can go play with your family anytime. You're welcome to play at Newton Park anytime as well.
If you want or need a soccer ball, let me know. Timbits Soccer has provided size 3 soccer balls for anyone who has signed up for U10 and younger age groups.